Brandauer is a precision stamping and press tool manufacturing company, who produce over a billion parts every year, supplied to 26 different countries across 10 sectors including plumbing, automotive and telecommunications.
Brandauer has invested in a range of OGP multi-sensor metrology machines which has allowed them to measure more complex components faster, more accurately and more consistently.
OGP UK provides best-in-class multi-sensor measurement systems combining optics, lasers, rotaries and probes for unrivalled performance in the quality control of manufactured parts and components.
Project Brief:
As one of the largest contract precision stamping companies in Europe, Brandauer needed to ensure they had a reliable inspection department that could produce fast, accurate and repeatable measurements to meet the demands of their clients.
Brandauer were looking to upgrade from traditional measurement methods, including callipers and shadowgraphs, to the latest measurement technologies to improve their overall inspection process, and put a challenge out to the market to see which technology could best measure their latest component.
“We essentially threw the challenge out there to a number of companies, OGP being one, to do a power pitch of how they would best measure our component and give us repeatable results,” said Rowan Crozier MBE, CEO of Brandauer.
“Shining through as the right solution was the Vantage 300, which became the first machine that we procured from OGP UK. It not only enabled us to measure this new component, but it also had the capability to measure lots of different parts as well.”
The Solution:
Brandauer has invested in a range of OGP multi-sensor metrology machines, including a SNAP, a SprintMVP, a Vantage 250 and a Vantage 300. Most recently, Brandauer have invested in a SmartScope SP multi-sensor metrology system to allow them to measure more complex and intricate components faster, more accurately and more consistently than ever before.
“We have embraced the range of machines supplied by OGP UK,” said Rowan.
“They make sure the parts are good, the measurements are repeatable but it also makes sure the measurements are efficient. When you are controlling components to really tight tolerances that repeatability is really important.”
Adam Burgoyne, Operations Lead at Brandauer said:
“The good thing with the OGP Vantage systems is that we don’t just have the optics and lasers but we have a touch probe added on as well to get down the side of stacks and measure the surface profiles of components that we didn’t have access to previously without buying a whole new machine.”
The Benefits:
Investing in multiple multi-sensor metrology systems from OGP UK has not only allowed Brandauer to enhance their inspection processes, but has also helped to win new business by giving their customers confidence in the parts they are producing.
“We are now able to work much more collaboratively to develop bespoke solutions for our customers,” said Rowan.
“We have actually been able to introduce OGP to some of our customers who have invested in the same measurement machines to validate the components and our processes when they receive our parts. It proves the repeatability of our work.
“I would encourage other businesses to throw a challenge they have out to OGP UK to respond to, the results will speak for themselves.
“I have no hesitation to recommend OGP to other precision engineering businesses and we’ll continue to utilise our multi-sensor metrology machines as we continue to grow.”
Adam said: “The OGP service team have been great.
“If we ever have a minor issue, they’re a phone call away and are usually available on team view within minutes meaning we get back to production faster and issues are solved near immediately.”

OGP UK provides the best-in-class multi-sensor measurement systems, combining optics, lasers, rotaries and probes for unrivalled performance in the quality control of manufactured parts and components.
OGP UK is part of the Carfulan Group who specialise in providing the most advanced manufacturing technologies available, helping customers across their five divisions to achieve optimal performance and end-product excellence.